DDS Activities

DDS Activities

        True to its vision in producing first-rate scholars of English as an International Language, the EIL Doctoral Dissertation Seminar is an academic platform dedicated to providing students with an avenue for intellectual and scholarly discussions where they participate and engage with resident and guest experts, and their fellow colleagues on a wide range of topics in English Linguistics, English Language Instruction and Language Assessment and Evaluation through oral research presentations. It is in this activity where students present their work-in-progress dissertations and receive insightful comments from invited experts, faculty members and their fellow students. Further, it trains students in organizing, managing and conducting an academic research conference. Given these trainings, students become equipped with the necessary skillset in becoming at par with their international counterparts.
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EIL Office, Rm.1327 Boromrajakumari Building, Chulalongkorn University
02 218 4658
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